Oct 9, 2011

Weekly Menu ~ October 10-16

Another Autumn weekend is coming to an end. It is crazy that its close to 80 degrees here in October! But, the weather is still cooler than the stifling heat of the summer.
 It is making getting dressed a bit of a chore because I have made up in my mind already that I should be wearing sweaters and boots and it is just not weather appropriate yet.

Since I work weekends, I don't have the opportunity to so much recuperate from the previous week but I do still use my weekend for preparing for the new week to come. Being a stay-at-home mom during the day and working part time in the mornings or evenings means a busy schedule and a tired mom. I do still usually benefit from the kids' nap time in the afternoon to write, make menus, browse my favorite blogs, or occasionally I even snooze a bit. When I make my menu I include breakfast and lunch each day and even mentally calculate in two snacks a day for the kids. This way I can make a more accurate shopping list and hopefully stick to my budget and not buy things we don't need or end up running out of options half way through the week.

This is my basic dinner meal plan:

Monday ~ Pasta Carbonara, veggie

Tuesday ~ Ultimate Chicken Fingers, frozen dinner rolls (Chebe), veggie

Wednesday ~ Roasted pork loin, hasselback potatoes, veggie

Thursday ~ Gluten-free sandwich rolls for Philly cheese steaks, oven fries, veggie

Friday ~ Scrambled Eggs, pumpkin muffins

Saturday ~ Spaghetti casserole, veggie

Sunday ~ We're eating at the church fall festival :-)

♥ Shari

1 comment:

  1. I like the new look Shari, a lot easier for me to read. And since fall is my favorite season, I love the background :)


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