Oct 1, 2012

Leaf Rubbing with Young Children

Welcome our first week of fall lessons to teach your children. The leaves are changing colors and falling softly to the ground on the breeze. The yard is filling up with crunchy leaves. Why not use a few for a fun and fairly easy craft project? This week I am sharing our adventure in gathering leaves and attempting to do a leaf rubbing.

We set out on a family walk around the neighborhood. My oldest son carried a grocery bag along to carry the leaves that we hoped to gather. As we walked we discussed why we were gathering leaves and where we can find leaves and many other discussions "branched" from the leaf topic. ☺

Pinterest is seriously my go-to for inspiration on fun projects to do with my kids. I knew I wanted to do leaf-rubbings so I did a search on Pinterest and found this clever idea.

 Our version:

We laid out the leaves on the floor. Carefully, I laid white printer paper (that's all I had on hand) over the top and taped just around the edges to secure the paper to make it easier for little ones.
We picked out several already peeled crayons from our collection (we're not the only ones who have mostly peeled and broken crayons, right?). I showed the boys how to roll the crayons over the top of the paper. A descent amount of pressure on the leaves with the crayon is necessary to get a bold rubbing (this was pretty easy for my four year old but took more help from me for the three year old).

The kids were all excited to see the leaves take shape on the paper!
The kids enjoyed both the gathering and the rubbing of the leaves! Give this easy and fun craft a try with your little ones soon!
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The Chicken Chick


  1. This is such a fun project!
    Hello, new follower here! I would love to have you link up with my Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    I hope to see you there!
    The Chicken Chick

    1. Hi Kathy! Thanks for commenting! I'll be sure to check out your blog hop and blog!


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