Aug 30, 2012

First Week of School Photos

As I've been a little quiet this week, I thought I'd share some fun pictures of what we've been up to. Monday was our very first day doing homeschool preschool with Sean (4). We had a little photo shoot where I tried to get a decent picture (this was mainly me trying to use my camera properly as the model stood and tried to focus for me ☺.  We ended up moving because it seemed to be a lighting issue.

 Not the best background image but super cute kid!

 This was the face I got after about ten pictures! ☺

 We started out our first day with everyone at the table.
 Logan lounging on the floor during movie time.
 Ella swiped a coloring book and coloring crayons/pencils during movie time. We only allow coloring at the table but apparently I didn't catch her in time to prevent some red crayon on the walls. However, I was able to remove it fairly easily with a baby wipe and dish soap.
 Taking a break for a snack!
Sean doing a cutting/pasting activity.
Lunch break was a welcome change to the more packed morning schedule this week.

Coloring a workpage.

Preschool is fun!

Doing chores.
Ella (2) coloring the table!

 While I had my camera out I had to snap a few pictures of our cute kitties.

 Caught her in the middle of her bath! ☺

On Tuesday this week our boys began ice skating lessons. We jumped into our school lessons first thing that morning. After an early lunch and early naps, we headed off for the ice center. It was supposed to be 36 minutes away but there was a lot of road construction going on and took a bit longer. There is only one other child in their beginners class. This class runs 6 weeks.

Heading out to the ice! Logan (3) was able to walk on his skates - at least off the ice!

All bundled up and ready to go out on the ice!



Ella enjoyed a snack while we watched the skating lesson. It was only about a 30 minute lesson and she did great!
That turned into a lot of pictures! I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into our lives this week.


  1. Never too many pictures!! :) Looks like a fun week!

  2. Your kiddos are just so sweet!!!!! This gets me excited to start preschool too but we are starting late since we move in a month! EEK! So much to do!!!


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