Aug 15, 2012

English Muffin Pizzas - GF (with DF Option)

As school approaches, I have been trying to compile fun, easy lunches to prepare this fall. This is my English muffin pizza recipe which makes a fun weekday lunch for the kids (the adults enjoyed them too ☺). I'm sharing a bonus recipe for pizza sauce too!

Pizza Sauce
This recipe is adapted from my mom's recipe and I don't know where she got it from.

1 small can tomato paste
1 t. salt
1/8 t. pepper
1 t. oregano
2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced

Place all ingredients in a 2 cup measuring glass and add enough water to make 1 1/2 cups of sauce. Use a whisk or fork to combine.

The original recipe did not call for garlic and did called for 1 T. sugar. I've had it both ways many times and honestly don't miss the sugar! But, the garlic is a "must" in my book! ☺

This is a photo of the dairy free version and was just as easy to make. Just be careful to make these first before making some with regular cheese to prevent cross-contamination for those with allergies!

Gluten free (and can be dairy free) English muffin pizza

3 gluten free English muffins - cut into 6 halves
1 recipe for pizza sauce (This recipe only used half the sauce.)
Your favorite toppings: mozzarella cheese, dairy free cheese, pepperoni, minced garlic, chopped onion, chopped olives, ground sausage (cooked), chopped ham, chopped veggies. (Whatever you want ☺)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Assemble your pizzas by placing the English muffin halves onto the lined-baking sheet. Using a spoon, place about two spoonfuls (about two T.) of sauce on each English muffin and spread it around. Top with cheese and toppings. Bake for about 9 minutes.

After allowing these to cool briefly, they cut into quarters, the perfect size for little fingers. My daughter was so eager that she was grabbing up a bite as I was snapping a picture!

I only used half the package of English muffins (there were six - twelves halves) and the rest of the package went back into the freezer. That tall glass - ridiculously large for the need I had - was used to freeze up the second half of the pizza sauce recipe and will stay nicely in the freezer until we make English muffin pizzas again (Note: I only left it in the freezer for a week but I'm sure - like most tomato based recipes - it will last in the freezer for a good while just fine). To thaw, just take off the lid and defrost in the microwave, or set in the fridge to thaw the day before.

We really loved these cute little pizzas and they were pretty quick and easy to put together. Enjoy!


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