Jan 25, 2013

I'm Still Alive!

Hi and welcome to Three Monkeys in the Jungle. I've been MIA lately due to a move we made from Kansas City, MO area to just north of Little Rock, AR only three days before Christmas! I'd planned to not let the move effect my blogging. Plans have a way of showing us who's boss, don't they? Turns out utility deposits trump internet deposits when the budget is tight. Budgets are always tight during moves because more gas is used than you calculate, more expenses {those darned deposits!} pop their ugly heads than expected, and it's hard to plan for the all around craziness that happens during and {long}after a move.

Craziness? Did you know that I'd never even seen my house before moving all that way? When we walked in the door I was greeted with a stomach twisting sight of dead insects - mainly roaches - everywhere in the house but concentrated in the kitchen. We pulled an all-nighter to move and arrived around 9:30am so I was exhausted as you can imagine. What's a gal to do when she HATES roaches {even dead ones} but can't imagine leaving that mess a second longer than necessary? She rolls up her sleeves and spends the rest of the day on no sleep scrubbing every single cupboard, drawer, and surface until not a single bug was left. I did finally get some sleep that evening but that was one of the worst days of my life. Did I mention I hate roaches?

All small incidents of craziness from moving aside, Casey is loving his new job at Pepsi and we're enjoying our new home. We've settled into a "rough draft" of a routine finally. I'm so very excited to get some of the kinks smoothed out and share more about how we spend our days. Life in Arkansas is starting to settle down for us and our rental house is starting to feel like home. Rest assured that I MISS sharing with you here on the blog and writing is a huge hobby of mine but my family is my priority. I'll try to keep getting to my local library {which is a challenge since it's only open M-F from 12pm-6pm} and update more often!



  1. Shari, ICK about the roaches.
    YAY for getting moved! :)

    1. Hi Lisa! I'm a tad ashamed to admit there are still a few untouched boxes in the hallway we walk around but otherwise we're so happy to be settling into our new home. Haven't seen any more roaches but I'm worried about the warm weather! I hate the idea of having poison traps sitting around in my kitchen!

  2. Argh! I hate moving and I hate bugs!! I feel ya!

    I've always lived in the suburbs so when we moved to the country (summer 2011) I couldn't get over all the bugs!

    Hang in there...oh and for your above reply - I STILL have boxes that we haven't touched! So don't feel bad. I couldn't wait for a normal routine to start.


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