Jul 13, 2012

Feminine Friday

This week is my first "Feminine Friday" post. I want to begin by assuring you that I am no fashion diva. I just like to look nice and I try to have my own sense of style that I prefer to focus on over fashion. Feminine Friday is about all things feminine and not necessarily just clothing. It can be anything with a feminine (meaning pertaining to a female) flare. I don't always wear dresses and skirts. I am currently pursuing attempting to wear skirts and dresses more often than pants. My husband desires that I dress modestly and I am slowly keeping this in mind when I add to my wardrobe.

I would like these posts to be an example of femininity from my perspective as well as inspirational. And, remember, I am just learning as I go!

In the above picture I am wearing silver cross earrings my mom gave me (its been a few years I think). The glasses are sadly not a fashion accessory but a necessity currently. ☺ I have on a navy blue polo shirt that I bought from Kohl's on clearance for less than $2. I'm wearing a brown tank underneath but you probably can't see that in this picture, I think I got it at Gordmans for less than $4. The skirt is a lovely denim skirt I bought at New York and Company about 8 years ago and I still wear it regularly. I'd call that a good purchase! ☺ Sorry, I don't remember how much I paid for it though. Considering I was on a tight-college kid budget, it was probably on sale or I had a coupon discount. The beautiful apron was lovingly made for me by my mom but I got to help pick out the fabric. I have a very talented mom! ☺

I am wearing a pair of Mudd brand platform sandals that my generous mother-in-law purchased for me at least four years ago. She bought herself a pair in white but I was really drawn to these yellow ones and have worn them many, many times and they are still going strong!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


Linked up at:
http://www.yourthrivingfamily.com/Consider the Lilies




  1. Hopping by from Consider the Lillies!
    I like this idea for a blog series. I tend to fall into the frumpy mom rut, and I know my husband doesn't need me to wear a prom dress all the time, but I COULD make a little effort :)


    1. Now wouldn't that be fun to wear a prom dress all day and pretend to be a princess! :D I guess it really is true that when I wear skirts or dress more feminine (or wear anything other than pj's! haha!) I am more motivated and productive. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. How cute you are! This is a great idea, especially for us moms who work from home.
    I think its so important to dress up (and shave) for our husbands ... I try to
    act as though we were still in the courting phase...putting my best self forward. It doesn't always pan out, but on most days I do make an effort.

    He appreciates it, and that is always nice to hear, too.

    Have a great day!!
    patty from www.fanta4two.com

    1. Thanks Patty! You make a good point - to shave - personal hygiene is important to guys as much as to ladies. I make a point to keep up on that area too. ☺

  3. Hi Shari,
    I was browsing the Consider the Lilies link-up and found your blog, and I love it here, so I decided to subscribe. :) I look forward to getting to know you better.
    I love your outfit, and we, too, strive for modesty in our home. As of April 2011, I have been wearing skirts full-time. It didn't happen over night for me...it was a process; a journey, but I am so thankful for the Lord's leading. :)
    I'd love to have you stop and "visit" me sometime.
    Keep up the good work!
    Have a lovely week-end!

    1. Welcome Lisa! I did check out your blog and enjoyed seeing those cute chicks and your modesty guest post. I, too, have found the majority of my skirts from thrift stores. I love thrift shopping! Thanks for subscribing and I, too, subscribed to your blog.


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