An important part of picking a diet that will really work is that it should be the diet that makes you feel energetic and satisfied after a meal and helps you maintain your optimal weight nevermind the diet that seems to work so well for your BFF. We were uniquely designed by God and are all a little different. We probably know our BFF's personality traits (how they vary from our own) and their style and culinary tastes (which more than likely aren't 100% what ours are) so why does it bother us when we need different methods to lose a few pounds?
Here is the scoop: fat doesn't make you fat! Isn't that grand news? At least some fat doesn't make you fat. Of course, we've long known or been told there are good fats and bad fats. Perhaps some fats were vilified and others falsely promoted but there are still good fats and bad fats. Some good fats include: extra virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, krill oil, and palm kernel oil. Some bad fats include soybean oil, canola oil, and vegetable oil.
The fat I'd like to focus on today is:
Coconut Oil ~
- Certainly the best oil for cooking because it is the "most resistant to heat damage."
- Can even help you "lose unwanted weight."
- Contains lauric acid "which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-protozoa properties."
- Can "provide a quick source of energy."
- Extra virgin coconut oil is the best because it is the least processed.
- It is often found solid in your cupboard so you may need to melt it for some recipes or scoop out the amount you need and use like you would butter in a skillet to saute. The oil will quickly "melt" into its liquid oil state.
- Coconut oil can be used for your skin and hair.
- You can find good deals for larger quantities of coconut oil online versus your average grocery store prices!
Weekly Fitness Goal 1/22-1/28 ~
- 20 Minutes (2 focused 10 minute videos) of Pilates ____Accomplished
- 20 Minutes of Pilates ____
- 20 Minutes of Pilates ____
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I used coconut oil on my incision after the C-section when it was having trouble healing. I have yet to dive into cooking with it, but I've eaten foods cooked with it and always like it! Thanks, great tip!