Dec 30, 2011

Goals for the New Year

Happy New Year 2012

In my experience, a year always appears to have "flown" by when reflecting on it at the Eve of a New Year. There are often fond memories, some memories we'd rather forget, and areas we wish to apply effort to improve or grow to reach a fuller potential.
For our family, 2011 started off with Logan's hernia surgery (which I will further reminisce in my next installment of "This Time Last Year"), Casey's completion of his MA degree, our move from Nebraska to Missouri, and my working part time outside the home.

Casey and I took the time to reevaluate our lives and goals which led to making adjustments that include certain attainable goals to work toward in the New Year. Here is our list of goals for 2012:

My personal goals:

• Develop skills necessary for making homemade crafts for gift giving and, perhaps eventually, selling.
• Make weekly (instead of yearly) fitness goals.
• Visit the 2012 Midwest Parent Educators (MPE) Conference and Book Fair.
• Learn to make gluten free bread.
• Get back into the practice of sewing clothing.

Our family's goals:

• Visit new churches to find a church that we more compatibly connect with.
• Begin seriously pursuing the purchase of our first home.
• Invest in basic camping equipment and take our first family camping trip.
• Continue making healthier choices by removing/cutting back toxins and unhealthy food and cooking/consuming more whole foods.
• Begin homeschool preschool with Sean.

We realize that some of our goals are easier than others to potentially fulfill. They aren't necessarily all goals that we'll pursue starting January 1st. We have a whole year to work toward reaching some of these goals. Other goals may or may not be on our list come 2013. That's okay. Life sometimes gets in the way and sometimes adds to or takes away from our priorities. Goals are much more attainable when you recognize there are bumps in the road before you set out on the journey.

What topics would you most like to read about on my blog this next year? I'd love to hear your input!

Have a wonderful and blessed
 New Year's Eve and Day!


  1. Shari, I would love to read about your weekly fitness goals, as I'm sure we are both in the same boat of trying to do it at home with munchkins underfoot :)

  2. I went to reply to your comment on my menu post and somehow deleted it! I assure you it was an accident! Sorry about that! Anyway, I used to love staying up late too and now I just feel so tired because the kids always get up at the same time each day! AND, I'll keep in mind your suggestion about fitness goals! I think that's a great idea! :D


Share your thoughts! I'd love to hear from you!