Aug 17, 2011

A Look At My Day

A sneak peak into a day in my shoes:

○ Kids woke up at 6:30am on the dot. Check.
Served them breakfast and buckled them in their booster chairs in front of a movie. Check.
○ Took a shower in peace. Check.
○ Made my bed and did "chore" chart tasks with kids. Check.
○ Played dominoes with kids. Played blocks with kids. Read stories to kids. Check.
○ Worked on laundry and dishes. Check.
○ Texted some people. Check.
○ Tantrums errupted and dealt with. Bumps and bruises kissed ("Boys will be boys" and a beginner walker). Check.
○ Put the pillows back on the couch about 25 times. Check.
○ Made a healthy lunch for all of us. Check.
○ Put kids down for naps and played on facebook. Check.
○ Had a plan for dinner but procrastinated so they'll eat hotdogs (they had a healthy lunch, right?). Check.
○ I have to work tonight. Check.

1 comment:

  1. forsaking sleep to enter a new blog post for your followers to read. Check :)
    (Yes I noted the time to be in the afternoon, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if you did your blogging in the late night hours!)


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