May 30, 2012

10 Gluten Free Products I Keep In My Pantry

A few years ago my husband decided to try a gluten free diet to hopefully relieve some issues that he had been experiencing that were becoming obviously abnormal. Gastrointestinal issues, weight gain, and an overall feeling of being tired and unwell were his most prominent symptoms. Being the cook in our family and responsible for feeding my husband, the challenge of learning to cook gluten free has been mine to tackle.

May 26, 2012

May 25, 2012

Prevention Is The Best Medicine

Some parents teach their kids self-control. Other parents watch their kids like a hawk. Some children are sweet little never-do-naughtiness angels. I have succeeded at none of the above.

May 21, 2012

A Cheesy Treat

A while back, at my part-time job, we had a "potluck" style meal that happened to fall on one of my shifts. Every once in a while the management team decides we are having one of these "potluck" meals and they assign a theme to the meal to streamline the food that is shared. On this most recent potluck meal, the theme was a Fiesta.

May 17, 2012

My Flower Garden

I have finally gotten around to planting my rental-friendly flower garden. I think I used every pot I own! It was fun except for the "help" that I received which resulted in my losing the label to my rose and having my special root hormone water being dumped (luckily, it was the very last after I had finished watering so it wasn't too wasteful).

May 10, 2012

Alcohol, Blue Marker, and White Paint

Yesterday was one of those days where I sort of took the day off. I felt I deserved to recover from the previous four nights of closing at work in a row as well as having begun babysitting at the bright and early hour of 6am for the previous two mornings.

May 5, 2012

Next Week's Menu

This is going to be me next week (actually I felt like this earlier today before I had some caffeine!). I found this picture when looking up under the image tab of my search engine "dead tired."

May 4, 2012

Encouragement For Cloudy Days

Adorable princesses don't throw tantrums do they?
Being a mom of three young children can be a challenge. Perhaps some days(years?) are more challenging than others but its easy to get a discouraged and dejected feeling. Much like you would feel if a dark cloud was hovering over your head. That is how I feel most some days. No matter how often I lay down the ground rules to my children, offer options, speak kindly but firmly, and remind of the consequences of negative behavior and disobedience, my children disobey and destroy and throw tantrums. Most days, I'm "lucky" if its one kid at a time that is being naughty. Their repetitive and disruptive behavior tends to chip away at me until I lose my temper and then I feel worse!